We all raced in Individual Time Trials this past Wednesday. It is four all out laps around the track and ranks all the female riders
in order of speed. We were at the track all night from 5 until 11 but we had a great time and were able to see the best riders compete during the 'power hour.' Our coach Tim was a part of this!!

Saturday- Part I Mini Marathon
Saturday morning was early for RideOn and the entire IU Alumni Association. IUAA was hosting the IU Mini Marathon for the first time and we were asked to be the 'pace bikes' for

Shortly after the first runners finished we all hopped back in bed for a nap before Part II of our epic Saturday Miss-n-Out!
Saturday- Part II Miss-n-Out
This is by far the most thrilling series event of the spring. 8 women start on the line and each lap the last rear tire to cross the line is dropped. Strength, agility and strategy are all key factors in Miss-n-Out.
The day started off with Morgan. She was able to hold on for 4 four laps, pushing through a terrible head wind on the back stretch. Kelsey and I were in a heat together and we worked together for positioning, unfortunately going into turn 3 I got boxed in. Kelsey however had the performance of the day. With a 1/4 lap left she pulled from behind the pack of girls and beat them all to the line. Anyone who was there can attest to the power she showed in that last quarter lap. Danielle also held her own in her heat, strategically boxing out multiple girls but unfortunately like Helen and Morgan the headwind on the backstretch got the best of her. Laura Bliss worked well with two Kappa Deltas during her heat and dropped all the other girls in her heat. She cruised into the line without breaking a sweat.
So Kelsey and Laura moved onto the second round. Both girls showed incredible agility and strength up against many of the fastest girls in the race. They made all of us incredibly proud and slowly but surely teams are starting to take notice of the new team with the cool red jackets. For ful results look HERE. Exhausted with ciders in our lungs we all went home and as Kelsey said had a great night sleep.
A look ahead
As the day's count down our lives get busier and nerves kick in but the real fun starts. Just 12 days until the race. Wow. Thanks for all your support!! Next weekend come see us compete in Team Pursuit and then enjoy a relaxing day of riding with us on Sunday in the first annual RideOn Community Ride. Again thanks IUAA and all our fans!
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